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Ebony Roots Clay Mask is a powdered mixture of bentonite clay and aloe vera. This mask will clarify by taking out the toxins from your pores. 


Conatins Bentonite clay and Aloe vera 



- Bentonite clay can help remove toxins from the body, Treat oily skin and calm the skin from imflamed breakouts

- Aloe Vera can help alleviate psoriasis, sun burn and itchy rashes

- Anti-imflamatory

- Can help alleviate diaper rash!


Directions of use: Scoop desired amount of powdered clay from jar and place in a seperate bowl. Add purified water or ACV to the bowl and mix. DO NOT USE a stainless steel spoon (plastic, silicone or wooden preferred) because it can cause the clay to lose it's negative charge.  The texture will vary to the amout of liquid to clay ratio. 


Allergy Warning: Test on small area. If you have a reaction immediately consult with your doctor or hospital.


Shelf life is 24 months


Clay Mask

SKU: 005
  • Unfortunatley, due to COVID-19 we are not accepting returns at this time. If you have any questions feel free to contact us at

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